
  •   快將十四歲的巴斯蒂安,隨父母來到湖邊度假,等待他的是美夢與噩夢共生的夏日。同居一室是十六歲的蔻依,散發…
  •   An innocent encounter on a Greek Island between two men quickly turns danger…
  •   After a violent bank robbery, the trio of hoods make their way across East L…
  •   Fearing for her life, an engaged woman hits upon a plan to marry her volatil…
  •   从害人不浅的发薪日贷款到尾气排放测试作假的汽车,这部调查类剧集揭露了企业厚颜无耻的贪腐行径。
  •   一对婚姻岌岌可危的英国夫妇乘船前往加勒比海,希望挽救他们的婚姻。在丈夫和一个神秘的流浪者之间看似无害的…
  • The subject of the film is the unearthing of a major press scandal inspired by the book by Spanish-German …
  •           John 和 Rebecca 驱车前往 Idyllwild 附近树林中的一间小木屋,…
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