
  • <p>  Eighty people from totally diverse backgrounds suddenly find themse…
  • <p>  Beginning in 1997 with a few thousand revelers in Los Angeles, the …
  • <p>  On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig exploded in the Gu…
  • <p>  在旧金山南部的一个小镇上,老警长Paul Del Moral(帕皮·塞尔纳 饰)在大雾天开车回家时,不小心撞…
  • <p>  悉尼大学数学统计专业女学霸何修舞(赵丽颖 饰)在硕士论文中推导出了“真爱公式”,坚信自己公式绝…
  • <p>  Follows a young, married couple whose relationship challenges the g…
  • <p>  因为体弱多病的顺伊(朴宝英 Bo-yeong Park 饰)需要疗养的缘故,顺伊母女三人从首尔搬家到了乡下的…
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